ROMANCE BY CHOICE, a unique Relationship Coaching Program and Audio-Book that bridges the gap between thinking about love and romance…to making it happen!!!
You can either have our 6 session Relationship Coaching coaching program with the Coach for Romance or enjoy learning what Romance by Choice has to offer through our Audio-Book
You can either have our 6 session Relationship Coaching coaching program with the Coach for Romance or enjoy learning what Romance by Choice has to offer through our Audio-Book
Frequently Asked Questions - Get Answers to Your Questions
1. Why is this Relationship Coaching course different from all other courses on finding love and romance that I have bought or taken in the past?
Our Relationship Coaching course is not fluff or a re-hash of old stuff, nor is it filled with ways to get the opposite sex through trickery or manipulation. It is a powerful and proven, effective approach to the world of romance.
2. Why should I buy this Relationship Coaching course?
Our Relationship Coaching course is designed for those who are serious about finding lasting romance and are ready to make a commitment to finding and having their relationship dreams come true.
3. What makes you an expert on this subject?
I do not call myself an expert on this subject. I am someone who has studied, lived and practiced this philosophy and can attest that it works.
4. Why is music so important in your course?
Music provides another modality to assist you in your learning process. Music also makes our Relationship Coaching course fun and entertaining.
5. I have been rejected by men so many times, will your book help stop men from rejecting me?
Men will stop rejecting you when you learn to respect yourself. Our Relationship Coaching course will teach you that and much more.
6. I am so frustrated by women; I can never seem to make them happy. How does your book help me to stop this from happening?
When you start making yourself happy you will be able to make others happy. Our Relationship Coaching course will show you how to achieve happiness for yourself and reflect that happiness to others.
7. Why is it that after 2 or 3 dates, men start to lose interest in me?
When you learn how to handle men and understand them this situation will cease.
8. Can your coaching program and audio-book help me build the confidence to approach women?
When you understand some of the differences between men and woman and have an understanding of what you truly choose in a woman your confidence level will rise. This will make approaching woman easier.
9. It seems to me people who have successful relationships are more the exception than the rule.
This is sad but true. However my Relationship Coaching course will teach you to make successful relationships the rule.
10. Can your course help me overcome the fact that I have been so badly burned by my ex-husband? I don’t know if I can even trust another man.
A big part of my Relationship Coaching course is to help you change your attitudes about the past into a bright positive future.
11. Why do the relationships I get into seem to be great for a while and then turn ugly?
More than likely they were relationships by chance instead of relationships by choice.
12. What is the key to finding a great relationship?
Listening to and believing in Romance by Choice.
13. Why is it that men just do not want to commit?
Men will commit when they have a reason to. My Relationship Coaching course will help you develop that reason.
14. In the people I date I cannot find all the things I want my ideal partner to be. What should I do?
Are you sure you really want all the things you choose you ideal partner to be like?
15. If you do not find an answer to your questions please email us and we will be happy to answer it.
1. Why is this Relationship Coaching course different from all other courses on finding love and romance that I have bought or taken in the past?
Our Relationship Coaching course is not fluff or a re-hash of old stuff, nor is it filled with ways to get the opposite sex through trickery or manipulation. It is a powerful and proven, effective approach to the world of romance.
2. Why should I buy this Relationship Coaching course?
Our Relationship Coaching course is designed for those who are serious about finding lasting romance and are ready to make a commitment to finding and having their relationship dreams come true.
3. What makes you an expert on this subject?
I do not call myself an expert on this subject. I am someone who has studied, lived and practiced this philosophy and can attest that it works.
4. Why is music so important in your course?
Music provides another modality to assist you in your learning process. Music also makes our Relationship Coaching course fun and entertaining.
5. I have been rejected by men so many times, will your book help stop men from rejecting me?
Men will stop rejecting you when you learn to respect yourself. Our Relationship Coaching course will teach you that and much more.
6. I am so frustrated by women; I can never seem to make them happy. How does your book help me to stop this from happening?
When you start making yourself happy you will be able to make others happy. Our Relationship Coaching course will show you how to achieve happiness for yourself and reflect that happiness to others.
7. Why is it that after 2 or 3 dates, men start to lose interest in me?
When you learn how to handle men and understand them this situation will cease.
8. Can your coaching program and audio-book help me build the confidence to approach women?
When you understand some of the differences between men and woman and have an understanding of what you truly choose in a woman your confidence level will rise. This will make approaching woman easier.
9. It seems to me people who have successful relationships are more the exception than the rule.
This is sad but true. However my Relationship Coaching course will teach you to make successful relationships the rule.
10. Can your course help me overcome the fact that I have been so badly burned by my ex-husband? I don’t know if I can even trust another man.
A big part of my Relationship Coaching course is to help you change your attitudes about the past into a bright positive future.
11. Why do the relationships I get into seem to be great for a while and then turn ugly?
More than likely they were relationships by chance instead of relationships by choice.
12. What is the key to finding a great relationship?
Listening to and believing in Romance by Choice.
13. Why is it that men just do not want to commit?
Men will commit when they have a reason to. My Relationship Coaching course will help you develop that reason.
14. In the people I date I cannot find all the things I want my ideal partner to be. What should I do?
Are you sure you really want all the things you choose you ideal partner to be like?
15. If you do not find an answer to your questions please email us and we will be happy to answer it.
“I’ve never understood why I could never connect with the right man. “Romance by Choice” has given me what I have always needed to find my way to the true love and romance I really want in my life. I wish I had this course ten years ago.
-- Beverly M.
“I’ve gotten so sick of online dating and all the stupid games people play. Working with this course has given me a new sense of confidence – I know who I am and I know who I’m looking for in a date. This alone has saved me no end of wasted time and frustration. I keep listening and learning more every time I review Romance by Choice.”
-- Nina K.
“This has been the best money I’ve spent in years! Compared to the cost of the singles cruises, parties, and everything else that was getting me nowhere this course is a bargain. Now I feel like I’m getting somewhere. I feel the changes in myself first. I thought this course was much too simple to work. When I took the time to really do everything it says I couldn’t believe it. What sounded like common sense wasn’t so common after all. Romance by Choice will be my well-kept secret.”
--Roger N.
“I started listening to the music CDs on my long commute to work and singing along with them. This music is great, better then any other romantic music collection I’ve ever heard! The words and the music would play in my head all day long and my life started changing then and there. Then I found a quiet place at home and started working with the audio course. I didn’t like it at first. The work was too hard and I didn’t understand why we had to do these things. Then I discovered I could just follow the simple instructions and take one little section at a time. It took a while but now I’ll never view love and dating the same. What used to be a mystery to me is now very clear, like a headlight cutting through the fog of confusion. Thank you, thank you, Romance
by Choice.”
--Anita R.
“I thought this course was really weird, full of strange Eastern mystical things I’ve never heard of. I gave it a try anyway. I just couldn’t believe the Feng Shui stuff. It sounded like nonsense but it actually worked, and boy, how it worked! That alone made this whole course worthwhile. I never knew the way I spoke and the words I used made any difference in my love life. I made some of the changes in my speaking Bill suggests and now my friends and relatives tell me that I’m calmer and easier to be with. I was looking for love but I didn’t expect things to improve so much with my family and friends!”
--John P.
“I’ve never understood why I could never connect with the right man. “Romance by Choice” has given me what I have always needed to find my way to the true love and romance I really want in my life. I wish I had this course ten years ago.
-- Beverly M.
“I’ve gotten so sick of online dating and all the stupid games people play. Working with this course has given me a new sense of confidence – I know who I am and I know who I’m looking for in a date. This alone has saved me no end of wasted time and frustration. I keep listening and learning more every time I review Romance by Choice.”
-- Nina K.
“This has been the best money I’ve spent in years! Compared to the cost of the singles cruises, parties, and everything else that was getting me nowhere this course is a bargain. Now I feel like I’m getting somewhere. I feel the changes in myself first. I thought this course was much too simple to work. When I took the time to really do everything it says I couldn’t believe it. What sounded like common sense wasn’t so common after all. Romance by Choice will be my well-kept secret.”
--Roger N.
“I started listening to the music CDs on my long commute to work and singing along with them. This music is great, better then any other romantic music collection I’ve ever heard! The words and the music would play in my head all day long and my life started changing then and there. Then I found a quiet place at home and started working with the audio course. I didn’t like it at first. The work was too hard and I didn’t understand why we had to do these things. Then I discovered I could just follow the simple instructions and take one little section at a time. It took a while but now I’ll never view love and dating the same. What used to be a mystery to me is now very clear, like a headlight cutting through the fog of confusion. Thank you, thank you, Romance
by Choice.”
--Anita R.
“I thought this course was really weird, full of strange Eastern mystical things I’ve never heard of. I gave it a try anyway. I just couldn’t believe the Feng Shui stuff. It sounded like nonsense but it actually worked, and boy, how it worked! That alone made this whole course worthwhile. I never knew the way I spoke and the words I used made any difference in my love life. I made some of the changes in my speaking Bill suggests and now my friends and relatives tell me that I’m calmer and easier to be with. I was looking for love but I didn’t expect things to improve so much with my family and friends!”
--John P.
Romance by Choice PO Box 25 Montville, New Jersey 07045
Copyright 2020. William J Scalzitti,LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2020. William J Scalzitti,LLC. All rights reserved.