Seeking the most powerful four letter word in the world? Love

By Bill Scalzitti - The Coach For Romance
Today we find that people feel insecure more than ever before. We hear a lot of other four-letter words but not the greatest one - LOVE. And, strangely enough, it’s the four-letter word we least hear. Even though everybody seems to be seeking the Holy Grail of Happiness - LOVE.
Insecurity comes from a lack of being loved and wanted - one of the basic psychological needs in each of us that demands fulfillment. People have gone to any lengths to find love. Wars have started, kings have left their thrones, and lovers have committed suicide - all for love.
In today’s society, many singles have turned to internet dating in search of the Holy Grail of Happiness Love. This search has led them to spend untold amounts of money and time, and in most cases, come up empty on finding that romantic relationship of their dreams.
Even though the world of internet dating sites exists, the one sure way to find love and happiness is to know yourself. When you take the time to thoroughly know yourself, what your likes and dislikes are, and what you choose in a romantic partner, you will be able to find true love and happiness.
One of the issues that clouds our thinking is the information we have stored in our heads regarding what a romantic relationship should be. This information has been put there by our parents, friends, teachers, religious leaders, movies, television, and the media. It is a wonder; we can find what we truly choose with so much irrelevant and useless data clouding our thoughts and feelings.
The ideas you had of a romantic relationship when you were 20 more than likely will not help you find the romantic relationship you are looking for, when you are 40. You need to evaluate your present life situation realistically, and your current needs to indeed find the Holy Grail of Happiness Love.
The first step to finding yourself and the romantic relationship of your dreams is to powerfully re-evaluate your goals and objectives about finding a lasting romantic relationship so that they best fit your deepest needs and desires. Then move with intention and velocity through the steps necessary to transform your thoughts and desires into a real romantic relationship.
But first you must love yourself. If you are seriously committed to finding a long term and meaningful relationship, it is essential to recognize that no one can love you if you don’t love yourself. Romance by Choice provides tools to assist you in getting to know yourself, even love yourself, and thus prepare you to find that special person you are seeking.
Take control of your romantic relationships now by getting in touch with Romance by Choice at, [email protected] or calling 201-981-3629
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