Why you are getting the responses you do not want from online dating sites?
Could it be you are casting too wide a net?
By Bill Scalzitti - The Coach for Romance
If you feel you are getting the wrong responses to your online profile and are a member of some of the top online dating sites, you might be asking yourself: What am I doing wrong? Maybe the question should be, “What am I not doing right?”
Have you ever wondered why you are getting the wrong or little response to your online profile - even when you are using top online dating services? Many of these sites are teeming with profiles that all seem to be alike. They go on and on with senseless babble and ridiculous headlines and expectations that no one could live up to in real life. Ask yourself: What do you think is wrong?
Could it be that in your desire to find someone, you have overlooked one of the basic rules of selling? People cannot buy what they don’t understand. Many profile writers encourage you to make your profile as broad as possible to attract many responses. This is the worst possible advice anyone could give you. This strategy usually leads to the reason you get too many useless responses or too little response or merely the wrong responses to your search.
Profile writers and relationship coaches encourage their clients to use headlines. Headlines such as “You have tried the rest now try the best” might work for a pizza but will not get you a quality response. I am assuming that a quality response is the result you would like to achieve from your profile.
Getting down to the nitty-gritty
Your profile should be short, and it should contain exactly what you are looking for in a partner. This comes from you knowing yourself and the person you choose to be your partner in a romantic relationship. It would be wonderful if your profile contained professional photos. A wise person once said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” That expression never applied more than it does to online dating profiles. It amazes me how little time singles take in choosing their photo or when they use some hokey photo to show they are daring or out of the ordinary.
It’s time you take online dating seriously and learn how to get the results you desire.
Take control of your romantic relationships now by getting in touch with Romance by Choice at RomancebyChoice.com, [email protected] or calling 201-981-3629 Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved Worldwide, by William J Scalzitti, LLC