How about Letting go of our Anger, Unhappiness, Hurt, Sadness and History.
By Bill Scalzitti, The Coach for Romance
This is a subject I find that keeps so many single people from having the kind of relationships and love they dream about. After having discussions with many people about relationships, marriages, divorces, and dating, I realized that we must let go of our anger, unhappiness, hurt, and history, when it comes to meeting new people. Hostility, impatience, and untrustworthiness, are often the way we greet new potential partners in our life. Remember your mind is like a parachute – it can’t work unless it’s open!
The anger we harbor sets up a limiting belief system that keeps us from feeling, and is the death knell of future relationships. We must approach each new meeting with a positive and enthusiastic frame of mind. Each new meeting is an adventure. If approached honestly and openly, without the preconceived stereotypes, you can bring about amazing results in your life.
Developing a passion for living
This is a fun exercise to help us get in touch with our passion. Let’s imagine that tomorrow morning when you awaken you’re sitting in front of St. Peter at the pearly gates and you realize that you died. St. Peter approaches you and asks if you would like to return to earth. If so, you must first tell me what you will do differently this time?
But before you tell me what you will do differently this time you must watch this video of your life, past and future, and you must pay attention to the areas of love and relationships with family, friends, lovers and children and tell me what you were passionate about. What was more important - loving those people or controlling those people? Was your career more important than the love of your family, friends and children? Were you honest with the people who loved you? And did you ever let go and unconditionally love anyone? Who would you want to say I love you to?
After answering these questions have you found areas of your life that you wish to change? How would you?
Passion is the joy for living, it’s the enthusiasm that makes you want to get out of bed each day and live, it’s the life force that makes us the loving people we are, without it we are dead. So are you ready to get passionate about finding the love of your life? If you need help, just ask.
Take control of your romantic relationships now by getting in touch with Romance by Choice at, [email protected] or calling 201-981-3629 Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved Worldwide, by William J Scalzitti, LLC
This is a subject I find that keeps so many single people from having the kind of relationships and love they dream about. After having discussions with many people about relationships, marriages, divorces, and dating, I realized that we must let go of our anger, unhappiness, hurt, and history, when it comes to meeting new people. Hostility, impatience, and untrustworthiness, are often the way we greet new potential partners in our life. Remember your mind is like a parachute – it can’t work unless it’s open!
The anger we harbor sets up a limiting belief system that keeps us from feeling, and is the death knell of future relationships. We must approach each new meeting with a positive and enthusiastic frame of mind. Each new meeting is an adventure. If approached honestly and openly, without the preconceived stereotypes, you can bring about amazing results in your life.
Developing a passion for living
This is a fun exercise to help us get in touch with our passion. Let’s imagine that tomorrow morning when you awaken you’re sitting in front of St. Peter at the pearly gates and you realize that you died. St. Peter approaches you and asks if you would like to return to earth. If so, you must first tell me what you will do differently this time?
But before you tell me what you will do differently this time you must watch this video of your life, past and future, and you must pay attention to the areas of love and relationships with family, friends, lovers and children and tell me what you were passionate about. What was more important - loving those people or controlling those people? Was your career more important than the love of your family, friends and children? Were you honest with the people who loved you? And did you ever let go and unconditionally love anyone? Who would you want to say I love you to?
After answering these questions have you found areas of your life that you wish to change? How would you?
Passion is the joy for living, it’s the enthusiasm that makes you want to get out of bed each day and live, it’s the life force that makes us the loving people we are, without it we are dead. So are you ready to get passionate about finding the love of your life? If you need help, just ask.
Take control of your romantic relationships now by getting in touch with Romance by Choice at, [email protected] or calling 201-981-3629 Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved Worldwide, by William J Scalzitti, LLC