Why Can’t I Find a Good Man or Woman?
By Bill Scalzitti - The Coach for Romance
Most people are so jaded, lost or hurt that all the advice in the world does not change their attitudes and behaviors about relationships. So they keep dragging the old baggage from relationship to relationship, adding more weight and making that baggage heavier and harder to deal with. Does this sound familiar?
I would like you to ask yourself these questions:
Who are you?
How do you choose to live the rest of your life?
Many people cannot honestly answer these questions. Mainly because they have never taken the time to think about how important these questions are to their being successful in finding a lasting relationship.
The reasons these questions are so important is that if you do not know who you are, how can anyone else ever get to know you? If you do not know how you choose to live your life, then you are living your life by chance or at the direction of other people.
You are not in control of your life.
Finding a successful relationship is all about knowing who you are and what you choose for yourself.
Too many times we give up this power because we did not know we can have it or we do not think enough of ourselves to believe that it is possible.
It is possible. You just have to learn how to do it. Too many people spend more time planning a two week vacation than they do their love life.
In order for you to do this you need to stop believing everything that has been put into your head about the type of person you should date and marry. This information was put there by your family, your friends, the media, the movies and many other sources. It is time you clean out those thoughts and start filling your head and your heart with who you choose a partner to be for you.
So when you start thinking about what type of person you choose, remember to always ask yourself: “Are these truly my thoughts?” And if not, then take time to rethink them and come up with what you really believe about these subjects. Otherwise you’re going to have false values.
This may seem like a lot of work, but is the best type of work because the results will be fabulous.
Take control of your romantic relationships now by getting in touch with Romance by Choice at RomancebyChoice.com, [email protected] or calling 201-981-3629
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